You are a Unique Aspect of Divinity, bringing your unique gift to the planet, a gift that none of the other 8 billion people on the planet bring.
Breathe . . . and take another breath, a little deeper this time.
Now go back and read that first statement again, a bit more slowly.
Breathe again and read that first statement again.
Allow yourself to feel whatever comes up for you.
Now repeat this process by changing a few words. I am a Unique Aspect of Divinity, bringing my unique gift to the planet, a gift that none of the other 8 billion people on the planet bring.
Breathe and read this a couple of more times.
You are bringing your Unique Gift, your Unique energy to this drum, to this circle.
Take another deep breath and allow yourself to relax a little further.
As you approach any drum, whether joining a group for a drum circle or if you're going to enjoy the energies of the drum alone, bring the face of the drum to your heart. Feel the energy of the animal that gave it's life to be this drum and express gratitude. Breathe. Feel the energy of the tree that gave it's life to be the frame of this drum and express gratitude. Breathe. Feel the energy and love of the person who birthed this drum and express gratitude. Breathe. Feel your uniqueness and your unique energy you are bringing to this drum at this time and place and express gratitude,
Feel the beat. Feel the rhythm. Start to gently beat the drum to warm it up, to wake it from its slumber.
Yes. Just Breathe. Allow. Be Aware . . . and feel the beat. Feel the beat of your drum. Feel the beating of the drums around you, Feel the beating of the hearts of those beating the drums around you. Feel the beating of the heart of Mother Earth and bring her energies to the drum and the circle. Feel the beating of the heart of Father Sky and bring his energies to the drum and the circle.
Relax. Allow yourself to be swept up by the energies and in the energies. Feel how you and your unique gift are contributing to the drum and this circle. Feel how you are #BalancingToPeace
Breathe. Allow. Be Aware. There's nothing else to do except Breathe. Allow. And Be Aware.
Enjoy the process. Enjoy Your journey. I'm grateful you are joining us and bringing your unique gift to share with us. I'm grateful you are receiving the unique gifts that others are bringing to you to share with you in this moment,
